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Prices For Residency

1. Four weeks of Anam Cara Experience Week retreats at sliding scale price: $500 - $400 - $300 per week

Children under 4 - Free

Children aged 5 to 17 - Half price


​2. Conscious Relating Retreat at a sliding scale price:

$500 - $400 - $300


3. Eight further weeks staying with us either as a long-stay Experience Week guest, on Work Exchange, or a combination of both.

Work Exchange - No charge 

Long-Stay Experience Week guest - $250 per week

Children under 4 - Free

Children age 5 to 17 - Half price


4. Long-Term Guest-ship

Eight weeks at $175 per week

Children under 4 - Free

Children age 5 to 17 - $50 each per week


5. Temporary Resident

Twelve weeks at $175 per week

Children under 4 - Free

Children age 5 to 17 - $50 each per week


6.  Permanent Resident

Ongoing at $175 per week

Children under 4 - Free

Children age 5 to 17 - $50 each per week

These costs include all bills and food (apart from treat/snack foods), and so we feel that although residents are contributing time and work to the homestead, this amount is reasonable to help cover all the expenses of Anam Cara.


Work Outside the Homestead

Permanent residents may choose to work outside of the homestead for longer periods of the week, or at certain times of year. This is agreed upon at the discretion of the collective, and residents taking this option would be required to pay an increased weekly fee in exchange for not being present for homestead work. This is something we would generally be supportive of. However, that support is balanced with the needs of the homestead and the community. Part of the knitting of kinship ties is the act of working together. If everyone at the homestead chose to work off-site, the fabric of Anam Cara would diminish. So we remain fluid to this option and work together to ensure everyone's needs are being met.


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